Lurid Pink Sparkles

What do you mean he's escaped

Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution.

“What do you mean he’s escaped? Find him!” Grinning, I squelched further into the moat’s shadows tucking away the amulet.

“No,” I groaned as lurid pink sparkles blazed out of the woods. “Don’t come now.” Ignoring my plea, she jerked to a halt inches from my face. Mischievous, luminant, miniscule, and glowering.

“It’s been hours!” she wailed.

Fairies! “Stop sparkling.” She darted away from my grab. If anything, glowing brighter.

“But it was boring!”

Boots thudded on the bridge above. Grunting, I abandoned my ruined hiding spot. Curse me for crossing her circle. I’d restore the amulet to Thersi. Somehow.

Don’t forget to read the other’s takes on the prompt. More stories go up throughout the day. Be sure to check our page on Facebook for updates as everything becomes available: WonHundred Words.

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