Scat Cat

Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from writing prompt: I'm not a cat

Wednesday has come around again and I’m happy to present this week’s flash fiction.

Tanadril’s skin prickled on her neck, and, pausing cleaning, she turned to survey the room. Pask flicked his tail angrily perching next to the tomes again.

She crept toward the creature raising her broom as she walked. “Don’t even think about it, cat.”

Pask stretched languidly and pressed one paw against the tome nearest him. “I’m not a cat.”

Tanadril twitched and stopped. Lowering her broom, she leaned against it. “Nor are you a wizard anymore.” She grinned at him slowly.

“I am still your boss.” Pask said.

“How do you figure a cat can command me?” Tanadril laughed once sharply.

Rising, Pask ran his back along the edge of the nearest tome. “You still clean after this cat, feed me, and do…” Pausing, Pask’s attention turned toward the box she’d set up. “Other tasks as required.”

Tanadril sniffed and raised her broom. “But a cat still, and one easily swatted.” Pask narrowed his eyes. “Or leave and let you fend for yourself. I’m certain you’d be an excellent mouser.”

Crossing one leg in front of his body, Pask knocked the nearest tome from the shelf.

“No!” Tanadril screamed lunging forward. She grabbed the tome out of the air moments before it struck the ground. Before another spell could waft from the pages and engulf her as one had him.

She should leave him. Leave his to his own mistakes. But what about if another wandered into the manor? A book struck the back of her head as she straightened.

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Be sure to check out the other Wednesday Words authors’ take on the prompt.

A Magical Christmas Tales Collection by Author Jenna Eatough front coverAlso catch more of my stories in the newly released A Magical Christmas Tales Collection available on Amazon now in eBook, paperback, and hardback formats.

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