No Cause for Alarm

Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from writing prompt: They imprisoned the sacred one

Wednesday has come around again and I’m happy to present this week’s flash fiction.

I could not believe that Raydan, a Master of History, sat calmly among his books with his feet up as the city shook to its foundation. “Raydan!”

He glanced up quirking an eyebrow upward. “Yes, Mennance?”

“The city is shaking to come apart!” I gestured toward the doorway, as if encompassing everything. An everything growing worse each moment.

“Oh. That.” Raydan returned to his book. “It will pass.”

“It will pass?” I said incredulously. “That’s all? This is unprecedented!”

“Actually, this is quite precedented.”

“How is this precedented?”

Raydan snorted. “The fools sacrificed the sacred one. The mortal containing the Great God Trentonfall’s power.”

I blinked at the absurdity of his words. “The great God Trentonfall? The myth?”

“Myths starts somewhere. My studies revealed Trentonfall truly existed and that his powers were bound within a mortal. Unfortunately, mortals tend to die. And then…” Raydan gestured toward the city.

“So, because they sacrificed the sacred one…” I paused. There had been an execution that morning. “Trentonfall’s powers are unleashed?”

Raydan nodded.

“How is this not cause for alarm?”

Raydan smiled and winked. “Another mortal will be called soon enough.” He reopened his book and went back to ignoring me.

Turning, I shuffled from the room and smacked into a wall of light. Warmth flooded me, and my feet connected to the floor as never before.

Welcome to Trentonfall’s power immortal.

I felt the voice within me and trembled. They’d sacrificed the sacred one because he’d gone mad. Was I next?

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Be sure to check out the other Wednesday Words authors’ take on the prompt.

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