Module 4 Assignment 2
Jenna Eatough
Professor Bates
LS 5343 20
November 26, 2018

The final project was created using Prezi and is available both as a presentation and as a word document. The project contains observations of two library programs (Big Guy, Little Guy Superhero Accademy and Dungeons and Dragons), assessment of virtual resources, and an interview of a youth services librarian.


Module 4 Assignment 1
Jenna Eatough
Professor Bates
LS 5343 20
November 26, 2018

These programs cover the Future Ready Framework for Curriculum, Instruction, And Assessment; Personalized Professional Learning; Budget and Resources; Community Partnerships; Collaborative Leadership; and Use of Space and Time. The sections are designed to focus on creating programming for teens.

Works Cited

BarbaraALane. Fractal Sphere Pattern Circle. 2017. Pixabay. Date accessed 20 November 2018.

Copperscaledragon. Sphere Ball Fractal Fractals Fractals. 2014. Pixabay. Date accessed 20 November 2018.

Daria-Yakovleva. Background Tree Wood Texture. 2017. Pixabay. Date accessed 20 November 2018.

DeltaWorks. Fractal Sphere Maru Digital Art. 2015. Pixabay. Date accessed 20 November 2018.

Dossin, Lia. “Future Ready Librarians.” Future Ready Schools. Date accessed 27 September 2018.

Egnez. Minecraft Map City Skyscraper. 2016. Pixabay. Date accessed 25 November 2018.

Geralt. Binary Code Privacy Policy Woman. 2014. Pixabay. Date accessed 25 November 2018.

Geralt. Hands Puzzle Share Items. 2016. Pixabay. Date accessed 25 November 2018.

Geralt. School Board Empty Slate. 2017. Pixabay. Date accessed 20 November 2018.

Geralt. Umbrella Economy Sure Idea Rain. 2017. Pixabay. Date accessed 25 November 2018.

Gimono. Cluster Individual Chosen Choice. 2018. Pixabay. Date accessed 25 November 2018.

Intographics. Isolated Transparent Sphere. 2016. Pixabay. Date accessed 20 November 2018.

Khamkhor. Girl Kid Attractive Student. 2017. Pixabay. Date accessed 25 November 2018.

PIRO4D. Window Niche Wall Boards Texture. 2017. Pixabay. Date accessed 20 November 2018.

Successcoach. Fractal Art Fractal Art Artwork. 2016. Pixabay. Date accessed 20 November 2018.

TheDigitalArtist. Ball Sphere Digital Art Fractals. 2014. Pixabay. Date accessed 20 November 2018.

TheDigitalArtist. Fractal Sphere Render. 2016. Pixabay. Date Accessed 20 November 2018.


Module 3 Assignment 2
Jenna Eatough
Professor Bates
LS 5343 20
November 7, 2018

These booktalks cover books written for grades 6-12. Included in this project are the books The Black Witch, Rebel of the Sands, Hunter, Daughter of the Pirate King, The Queen’s Rising, and an extra sixth book Colonial Prime: Humanity. All of these books tend are from the speculative fiction genres and are Young Adult books. The extra book was included as a local author from a smaller press.

Works Cited

“The Black Witch.” YouTube, uploaded by Becky Travis, 28 May 2018,

“Daughter of the Pirate King: Opening.” YouTube, uploaded by Mallory Smith, 17 February 2018,

Forest, Laurie. The Black Witch. Don Mills, Ontario, Harlequin Teen, 2017.

GeorgyGir. 2014. Pixabay. Date Accessed 11/7/2018.

Hamilton, Alwyn. Rebel of the Sands. New York, NY, Speak, 2016.

“Hunter by Mercedes Lackey.” YouTube, uploaded by Papio Jr High, 10 November 2015,

Karen_Nadine. 2016. Pixabay. Date Accessed 11/7/2018.

Lackey, Mercedes. Hunter. New York, NY, Hyperion, 2015.

Levenseller, Tricia. Daughter of the Pirate King. New York, NY, Feiwel and Friends, 2017.

Levenseller, Tricia. Personal interview. 28 September 2018.

Nielsen, Kevin L. Colonial Prime: Humanity. Salt Lake City, UT, Immortal Works, 2018.

Nielsen, Kevin L. Personal interview. 22 October 2018.

noonexy. 2017. Pixabay. Date Accessed 11/7/2018.

PellissierJP. 2016. Pixabay. Date Accessed 11/7/2018.

Pixel2013. 2017. Pixabay. Date Accessed 11/7/2018.

Prettysleepy1. 2018. Pixabay. Date Accessed 11/7/2018.

“Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton | YA Fiction official book trailer.” YouTube, uploaded by faberandfaber, 21 January 2016,

Ross, Rebecca. Personal interview. 22 October 2018.

Ross, Rebecca. The Queen’s Rising. New York, NY, HarperTeen, 2018.

TweSwe. 2018. Pixabay. Date Accessed 11/7/2018.

I worked with the author to create a book trailer for Colonial Prime: Humanity by Kevin L. Nielsen.


Module 3 Assignment 1
Jenna Eatough
Professor Bates
LS 5343 20
October 30, 2018

These booktalks will cover books written for grades 6-12. Included in this project are the books The Black Witch, Rebel of the Sands, Hunter, Daughter of the Pirate King, The Queen’s Rising, and an extra sixth book Colonial Prime Humanity. All of these books tend are from the speculative fiction genres and are Young Adult books. The extra book was included as a local author from a smaller press.

The Black Witch

Title: The Black WitchThe Black Witch Cover
Author: Laurie Forest
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Copyright: 2017

Synopses: The Black Witch follows Elloren Gardner as she leaves her village on the outskirts of Gardneria to attend University. There she is confronted by her aunt’s unbending will, being an outcast for not quite fitting in, and having to confront the cultural assumptions of her people all while trying to keep her promise to her uncle not to wandfast until after university. Through her trials Elloren learns how to be the best version of herself and not just what others expect of her.

Current Event/Life Event: This book deals with keeping your word when challenged not to and understanding the world beyond what you’ve been taught.

Book Trailer: This trailer was created by fans, the trailer introduces readers to the main character and the history which controls the path her life has taken up to the start of the novel, as well as the main concerns Elloren must face.

Script Outline:

Hook: Sometimes keeping a promise is hard. Sometimes it means having to live with those you fear the most.
Characters and Relationships:

  • Elloren Gardner is the Gardnerian granddaughter of Carnissa Gardner. In fact, Elloren is her spitting image except she does not possess her people’s magic, nor is she willing to break her word just for tradition or ease. Through the trials she is forced to endure, Elloren learns to question the assumptions her people have made about the other magical races.
  • Vyvian is a Gardnerian councilor and aunt to Elloren. She causes many of Elloren’s struggles at university by trying to make life difficult unless Elloren will break her promise to her uncle and give into Vyvian’s demands.
  • Lukas Grey is a Gardnerian soldier and level five mage. Lukas believes in his and Elloren’s people’s views and supports them. While he doesn’t try to force Elloren’s decision he supports Vyvian’s choice for him and Elloren to handfast.
  • Kelt Yvan is a fellow student at University and from one of the minority magical races. He aids Elloren in learning to see beyond her people’s prejudice and shows her how to truly help and accept others.
  • Ariel Haven is an Inaral that Elloren is forced to be roommates with for defying her Vyvian’s will. Ariel’s people hate Elloren’s grandmother’s legacy and wish to see it destroyed. Ariel has been beaten down by what society thinks of her and is a counterpoint to Elloren’s world view at the start of the novel.

Setting: The book is set in a fantasy world with a host of mythical races. The book takes place in a village, city, and primarily at the major university of the realms.

Conflict: The central conflict of the novel is finding a self-identity, learning what are incorrect assumptions passed on by culture, and taking a stand to improve life for those who are oppressed.

Review: Kirkus gave The Black Witch a starred review stating that “In Elloren’s tale, this briskly paced, tightly plotted novel enacts the transformative power of education, creating engaging characters set in a rich alternative universe with a complicated history that can help us better understand our own.

A massive page-turner that leaves readers longing for more.”

Works Cited

“The Black Witch.” Kirkus, 20 February 2017,

“The Black Witch.” YouTube, uploaded by Becky Travis, 28 May 2018,

“The Black Witch: An Epic Fantasy Novel.” Amazon, 2 May. 2017,

The Black Witch Chronicles Wiki. Accessed 29 October 2018.

Forest, Laurie. The Black Witch. Don Mills, Ontario, Harlequin Teen, 2017.

Laurie Forest: Epic Fantasy Fiction Author. Laurie Forest. Accessed 29 October 2018.

Rebel of the Sands

Title: Rebel of the SandsRebel of the Sands Cover
Author: Alwyn Hamilton
Publisher: Speak
Copyright: 2016

Synopses: Amani longs to leave her home village of Dustwalk and reach the city where she won’t have to live by her aunt’s rules. Determined to win a sharpshooting contest she meets Jin there. When things go amuck, together they escape from Dustwalk and travel the desert meeting magic, danger, and mystery. In the sands Amani learns her true strength and the strength to help others.

Current Event/Life Event: This book looks at learning how to accept yourself and discover how you fit into the world.

Book Trailer: As the official book trailer this video introduces readers to Amani, where she starts in the novel, and how she discovers and becomes involved in the wider problems in the world.

Script Outline:

Hook: Rebel princes, a desert full of magic, and a heritage you don’t understand.

Characters and Relationships:

  • Amani Al’Hiza is a sixteen-year-old sharp shooter who grew up in Dustwalk living with her aunt’s family. Where she never fit with the ideals of the town, she is determined to escape and live on her own. She meets and works with Jin to achieve her goals even when she doesn’t understand his.
  • Ajinahd “Jin” Al’Oman Bin Izman is a mysterious stranger. With broken compass to guide them, he pushes Amani down a path she would not have taken otherwise.
  • Commander Naguib is a son of the Sultan. Having failed at the inheritance competition, he now serves the country as a commander in the army. His duty pushes him to chase Amani, Jin, and the rebel prince no matter who gets hurt to fulfill his duty.

Setting: An alternate world where the desert is alive with magic. The novel takes place across a vast expanse as they travel learning about the world and themselves.

Conflict: The Sultan is trying to keep the peace by allowing outside forces more control within the country. The rebel prince is fights to keep his people free. Amani is pulled into the conflict by Jin and by her true nature she is only beginning to realize.

Review: Rebel of the Sands received a starred review from Kirkus. The review stated “Amani’s adventures through this immersive alternative landscape continually veer off into unpredictable detours, looping back to an almost overstuffed climax that manages to deliciously satisfy while dangling tempting hints for a sequel.

Romantic, thrilling, hilarious, and just plain great fun.”

Works Cited

Alwyn Hamilton. Alwyn Hamilton. Accessed 29 October 2018.

Hamilton, Alwyn. Rebel of the Sands. New York, NY, Speak, 2016.

“Rebel of the Sands.” Amazon, 8 March. 2016,

“Rebel of the Sands.” Kirkus, 8 December 2015,

“Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton | YA Fiction official book trailer.” YouTube, uploaded by faberandfaber, 21 January 2016,

Rebel of the Sands Wikia. Accessed 29 October 2018.


Title: HunterHunter Cover
Author: Mercedes Lackey
Publisher: Hyperion
Copyright: 2015

Synopses: Hunter Joy is forced to leave her mountain village and serve in Apex, the last, largest city left to the humans in the world where the rest is being overrun by monsters. The Othersiders, freed after the Diseray and the Breakthrough, are creeping through the human’s barriers more than they should and a conspiracy is in motion to bring even worse. Joy, her hounds, and the other hunters must work to save Apex, the last great human city, but there is danger both within and without that want to destroy her.

Current Event/Life Event: This book discusses learning how to adjust to a new environment and work with others, both those with your best interests in mind and those you may not like to help others.

Book Trailer: This book trailer was created by students at Papio Jr High and introduces readers to the book from the point of view of the villain.

Script Outline:

Hook: What if the only thing standing between your world and the monsters is you and your pets. For Hunter Joy, this is a fact.

Characters and Relationships:

  • Joyeaux Charmand is a hunter brought to Apex to help protect the citizens by her Uncle, Commander Charmand. She learns to work with others and to rely on herself and her pack.
  • Bya is the pack leader of Joy’s Hounds. Coming from elsewhere himself, he leads her exceptionally large pack. They work with Joy to help protect humans in return for feeding off the magical essence of the monsters they defeat.
  • Commander Charmand is Joy’s uncle and leaders of the army working to fight against the Othersiders. He brought Joy to Apex to prove he doesn’t play favorites and using her in the intrigue filling the city and so that there is someone he can trust nearby.
  • Hunter Ace is in the lead of the feeds which showcase the Hunters protecting Apex. This is down to help keep Cits calm and the most popular hunters get extra privileges. However, when Joy shows up his popularity is threatened, and he is willing to do anything to protect himself, including betray Joy and Apex.

Setting: A postapocalyptic future where magic has broken through and threatens to destroy the world. The remaining people and cities struggle to fight against the hordes of monsters using technology and their hounds.

Conflict: The conflicts include between people, Joy and Hunter Ace, and between human and the Othersiders who are destroying their world.

Review: Kirkus gave Hunter a starred review stating “Lackey builds this magically post-apocalyptic world briskly: some 250 years after the nuclear catastrophe that caused the pole-reversing Diseray, bits and pieces of our Earth, both geographical and cultural, remain. Joyeaux’s narration is spellbinding, the prose easily balancing the technology of the future with the traditions of the past.”

Works Cited

“Hunter.” Amazon, 1 September. 2015,

“Hunter.” Kirkus, 29 June 2015,

“Hunter.” Mercedes Lackey, Accessed 29 October 2018.

“Hunter by Mercedes Lackey.” YouTube, uploaded by Papio Jr High, 10 November 2015,

Lackey, Mercedes. Hunter. New York, NY, Hyperion, 2015.

Daughter of the Pirate King

Title: Daughter of the Pirate KingDaughter of the Pirate King Cover
Author: Tricia Levenseller
Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
Copyright: 2017

Synopses: Alosa must infiltrate Captain Draxen’s ship, one of the three pirate lords and steel his part of the map to the legendary Isla de Canta of the Sirens where their great treasure lies. To do this she must allow herself to be taken captive by men who hate her father, the Pirate King, search a hostile ship, and protect her crew and secrets.

Current Event/Life Event: This book discusses coming to terms with yourself, even the parts of you which you may not like. That everything can be a strength if you let it.

Book Trailer: This book trailer was fan produced and acts out the opening scenes for the book. Readers are introduced to Alosa, her personality, and the situation visually.

Script Outline:

Hook: What better way to ransack a pirate’s ship than be taken prisoner?

Characters and Relationships:

  • Princess Alosa is the Daughter of the Pirate king and works to support her father in his goals. She was raised to be smart, cunning, and dangerous Alosa isn’t afraid of her task, only of her other half.
  • Riden is Draxen’s brother and first mate aboard his ship. Shrewder than his brother, he doesn’t trust Alosa but doesn’t care for his brother’s callousness either. He walks a fine line of being true to himself and to his crew.
  • Captain Draxen took over his ship after his father’s death and has little care for the suffering of others. His only interest is in selling Alosa back to the Pirate King or whatever other means he can use to acquire gold.
  • Vordan Serad is the third pirate lord and is after the treasure himself. He is willing to use Draxen and Alosa get ahold of the treasure.

Setting: The novel is set in a fantasy world full of pirates, oceans, and intrigue.

Conflict: Alosa must appear to be a captive to search Draxen’s ship while keeping her secrets. She must balance the brothers, Draxen and Riden against each other. However, she doesn’t see the third pirate lord’s hand until he has her and her secrets in his power.

Review: The Publishers weekly gave a positive review of Daughter of the Pirate King stating “Levenseller makes an impressive debut with this funny, fast-paced, and romance-dashed nautical fantasy, set in an alternate world of pirates, sirens, and myriad islands.”

Works Cited

“Daughter of the Pirate King.” Amazon, 28 February 2017,

“Daughter of the Pirate King.” Publishers Weekly, 12 December 2016,

“Daughter of the Pirate King: Opening.” YouTube, uploaded by Mallory Smith, 17 February 2018,

Daughter of the Pirate King Wiki. Accessed 29 October 2018.

Levenseller, Tricia. Daughter of the Pirate King. New York, NY, Feiwel and Friends, 2017.

Levenseller, Tricia. Personal interview. 28 September 2018.

YA Fantasy Author: Tricia Levenseller. Tricia Levenseller. Accessed 29 October 2018.

The Queen’s Rising

Title: The Queen’s RisingThe Queen's Rising Cover
Author: Rebecca Ross
Publisher: HarperTeen
Copyright: 2018

Synopses: Brienna, an orphan who never knew her father or his name. She has lived hidden away by her grandfather at a school where she is being trained to become a Passion. However, as the solstice draws close she is fearful that she will not be able to Master her Passion in time, but her failure to gain a patron there and sharing memories with her ancestor sets her on a new mission. While her path does not follow the straight course she thought, it leads her into intrigue and a rebellion against the tyrant ruling Maevana as well as discovering her hidden past and that of those around her.

Current Event/Life Event: This book can tie to the life event of working through disappointments and seeing what lays beyond a failure. In the book Brienna doesn’t master the passion with her peers, but she doesn’t give up either.

Book Trailer: While no book trailers for The Queen’s Rising were located, and interview with the author about what inspired the book was acquired.

Script Outline:

Hook: Have you ever not succeeded at something on your first try? For Brienna the adventure begins after missing a goal.

Characters and Relationships:

  • Brienna/Amadine Jourdain is half-Maevan and half-Valerian and has been hidden away in an academy to study passion: art, music, dramatics, wit, and knowledge. There she studied under Cartier while being denied any information on who her Maevan father was. Brienna, without a real talent for a passion, studied them all for a time before settling on knowledge. However, does she have the time to master her passion and if she fails what lies in her future.
  • Cartier Évariste/d’Aramitz is an Arden of Knowledge and becomes Brienna’s mentor. As the solstice draws close, his relationship with Brienna deepens, but her failure to master forces them apart and forces him to face the past he had hid from, being of the exiled lords of Maevan in hiding having survived the failed coup when he was a child.
  • Aldéric Jourdain/Lord Kavanagh is one of the exiled lords of Mavaen after a failed coup. He takes Brienna as a patron with the condition that she cut herself off from everyone she knew as they work to overthrow the corrupt king of Maevan.
  • Brendan Allenach is one of the most powerful lords in Maevan. His family was originally behind the coup that forced the rightful family line off the throne in the hopes of gaining power, a goal he still works toward. Discovering his hidden daughter in Brienna gives him a new path to power if he can convince her to join him.

Setting: A fantasy, medieval, French based society where the kingdom to the north of Valena, Maevana is ruled by an evil tyrant. These two countries have an uneasy truce at the best. The story takes place across the borders of both countries.

Conflict: Brienna must decide who to trust when everyone is not who or what they seem, including herself. She must find her path and passion and decide which queen will she help place on the throne of Maevana.

Review: Teenreads provided a positive review of The Queen’s Rising by stating that “This novel contains just as much magic in the prose as it does in the setting. With Ross’ lyrical writing, complex characters and meticulous world-building, one is bound to be mesmerized from the first page.”

Works Cited

“The Queen’s Rising.” Amazon, 6 February. 2018,

“The Queen’s Rising.” TeenReads, 14 March 2018,

Rebecca Ross. Rebecca Ross, Accessed 29 October 2018.

Ross, Rebecca. Personal interview. 22 October 2018.

Ross, Rebecca. The Queen’s Rising. New York, NY, HarperTeen, 2018.

Colonial Prime: Humanity – Extra Book

Title: Colonial Prime: HumanityColonial Prime: Humanity
Author: Kevin L. Nielsen
Publisher: Immortal Works
Copyright: 2018

Synopses: Political exiles, retired military personnel, and people desperate to escape the violence on Earth are the crew of the five ships headed out into space to become the first colony beyond this solar system lead by the flagship Colonial Prime. They carry with them the hope of Earth to find a life beyond the violence there. Their mission will take forty-five years to reach their new home However, as the ships slowly creep out of the solar system message from home reach the ship. The fragile peace on Earth has been shattered and another violent revolution has occurred. Can ships escape the prejudices they want to leave behind, or will their ships be overrun by factions as well.

Current Event/Life Event: This book talks about being uprooted from everything you know. Where high school students are potentially preparing for their future away from their parents’ home, this book can give insight toward moving on to new chapters of life.

Book Trailer: While no book trailer was previous produced for this book, an interview with the author about what inspired the book was conducted as well as materials gathered to produce a book trailer.

Script Outline:

Hook: Moving is something everyone has to do, but not everyone has to move to a new galaxy.

Characters and Relationships:

  • Jaelyn Corrin is the captain’s son and has spent his entire life aboard one ship or another as the son of Captain Amara Corrin. While he’s known metal and tech all his life, he longs for green and is drawn to working in the gardens.
  • Captain Amara Corrin is the leader of the colony expedition and is tasked with finding a way to bring all the different factions aboard her ship and ships together, along with keeping her son and her new relationship with Nathan Esquina healthy.
  • Nathan Esquina becomes the second in command aboard Colonial Prime to escape. His father is one of the leaders of the tenuous alliance on Earth and he knows it won’t last. He is invested in their mission and trying to find a lasting peace.
  • Dr. Alexis Martin cares for the plants aboard colonial prime and take Jaelyn in as her apprentice, but like the rest she had allegiances back home. When her previous faction rises to power she has to chose between the ship and them.

Setting: The story takes place in the future aboard the spaceship Colonial Prime bound on a forty-five-year journey to another solar system to be the first human colony.

Conflict: Earth has been torn apart by hatred and Colonial Prime is immune to that hatred infiltrating its decks. The crew must work together to keep the hope of a peaceful life alive, even when news of new coups and bloodshed on Earth reach them.

Review: No review for this book or any other book was located. Colonial Prime: Humanity is being included in the project as an extra book.

Works Cited

“Colonial Prime: Humanity.” Amazon, 6 February. 2018,

Kevin L. Nielsen: The Guy in the Purple Shirt. Kevin L. Nielsen, Accessed 29 October 2018.

Nielsen, Kevin L. Colonial Prime: Humanity. Salt Lake City, UT, Immortal Works, 2018.

Nielsen, Kevin L. Personal interview. 22 October 2018.


Module 2 Assignment 2
Jenna Eatough
Professor Bates
LS 5343 20
September 23, 2018

Works Cited

TheDigitalArtist. Hexagon Hex Grid Abstract Design. 2015. Pixabay. Date accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Board Easel Architect Engineer. 2018. Pixabay. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Courses Shares Forex Analysis. 2017. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Dollar Money Running Away Finance. 2010. Pixabay. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Email Mail Phone Contact Request. 2017. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Key Entry Door Castle Door Key. 2018. Pixabay. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Learn Books Literature Education. 2018. Pixabay. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Males 3d Model Isolated 3d Mode 2322810. 2017. Pixabay. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Males 3d Model Isolated 3d Mode 2358243. 2017. Pixabay. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Males 3d Model Isolated 3d Mode 2506813. 2017. Pixabay. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Network Society Social Community. 2010. Pixabay. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Punctuation Marks Word Language. 2017. Pixabay. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Puzzle Cooperation Partnership. 2010. Pixabay. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

3dman_eu. Wine Barrel Barrel Wooden Barrels. 2018. Date Accessed 23 September 2018.

Fuente, Reid, Suzy Dorsey, Devin Spatz, Cameron Crasto and Zach Patterson. “How to Develop a Makerspace: From Proposal to Production.” University Innovation Fellows. 17 February 2018. Date accessed 23 September 2018.


Module 1 Assignment 2
Jenna Eatough
Professor Bates
LS 5343 20
September 14, 2018

Physical Storybox: Dragons

Virtual Storybox: Space

The physical box – Dragons theme

  • Book 1
    • Max’s Dragon by Kate Banks was selected to show the use of imagination and finding extraordinary things in your everyday life.
  • Book 2
    • Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin was selected for the light-hearted story and viewing the dragons in a fun and engaging manner without being frightening.
  • Book 3
    • Not Your Typical Dragon by Dan Bar-el was selected where the story talks about a dragon who isn’t normal and his quest to figure out how he fits in. The story shows that even differences can give you strengths.
  • Book 4
    • The Library Dragon by Carmen Agra Deedy was selected for the fun story and its connection to libraries. This story shows how even the unlikeliest person can become a hero.
  • Book 5
    • The Little Dragon by Heather Amery was selected where it is a fun short story about finding more than you expected and how being kind can lead to friendship.

    The Virtual Box – Space:

  • Information on the books, activities, and reasoning is available in the virtual presentation.

Works Cited

Amery, Heather. The Little Dragon. Illustrated by Stephen Cartwright, Usborne Castle Tales, 1996.

Astronomy Memory Match. 2018. Kids Astronomy.

Banks, Kate. Max’s Dragon. Illustrated by Boris Kulikov, Frances Foster Books, 2008.

Bar-el, Dan. Not Your Typical Dragon. Illustrated by Tim Bowers, Viking, 2013.

Braun, Eric. If I Were an Astronaut. Illustrated by Sharon Harmer, Picture Window Books, 2010.

Campbell, Janis and Cathy Collison. G is for Galaxy: An Out of this World Alphabet. Illustrated by Alan Stacy, Sleeping Bear Press, 2005.

Deedy, Carman Agra. The Library Dragon. Illustrated by Michael P. White, Peachtree Publishers, 1994.

Efraimstochter. Chalk Drawing Celestial Body. 2014. Pixabay. Date accessed 14 September 2018.

Galaxy Explorer. PC Version. NASA. 2018. Video Game.

Houran, Lori Haskins. A Trip Into Space. Illustrated by Francisca Marquez, Albert Whitman & Company, 2014.

McNulty, Faith. If You Decide to Go to the Moon. Illustrated by Steven Kellogg, Scholastic Press, 2007.

Moon Buggy. Online. BGames. 2018.


Module 1 Assignment 1: Digital Artifact
Jenna Eatough
Professor Bates
LS 5343 20
September 10, 2018

Created using Piktochart