
She was disturbingly sure she'd be scheming

Another Wednesday, another flash fiction. Enjoy the story!

Summer examined the bay, tapping her datapad against her chin. Bins were stacked high with barcodes face out to track the contents of each. Or hide them.

Lowering her pad, Summer glanced at the message again. Transfer the glit by month’s end. A picture her daughter, Payton, was attached. Payton who crewed on the overdue Lucidity.

“Hey Summer,” Ayden said emerging from among the isles. “Need a hand?”

She shook her head quickly. “No, I’ve got it. Last ship’s cargo is stowed.”

Ayden shrugged turned back the way he’d come.

Moving to the closest bin she touched the barcode. Made them easy to track. Or hide. She frowned at the scheme forming in her head.

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