Wednesday has come around again, and I’m happy to present this week’s flash fiction.
“The night will never end.” Tarinne felt the hand withdraw from her brow when the speaker finished. A succinct statement. A promise she craved after daylight had burned a hole in her soul.
Opening her eyes, Tarinne turned toward Vergahn’s retreating footsteps. “It will be as quiet as your promised?” she asked her voice soft.
He paused, and half turned leaving only a sliver of his profile visible. “As quiet as a tomb.”
Tarinne blinked when he turned away. For a moment, she thought she’d seen his smile twist into a mocking facsimile of the Day Guard. Those who hunted the children of Galea across the land, pushing them ever forward beneath burning light.
Even blinding the Evermist Caverns until Tarinne’s brain rattled beneath the song of light, but off from Galea’s quiet comfort.
For a moment, Tarinne thought she saw their mocking grin. Then the light shredded into nothing.
Tarinne stood within a chamber. Peering through the grey light, she recognized Berlotte. Berlotte who’d carried her through scorching light when Tarinne hadn’t a step left and had disappeared some months past.
But why did she crouch upon the floor with her hair gripped tightly within clenched fists and she heaved silently.
Tarinne reached out her hand, moving to step toward her friend.
Her feet refused to move. Looking down, Tarinne focused as if attention would loosen them, but they remained fixed, nearly hidden in gloom. Trapped in neither light nor dark. A scream swelled unvoiced in her throat.
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Be sure to check out the other Wednesday Words authors’ take on the prompt.
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