The first volley of doom went unnoticed: a fleck of paint broke free from the prestige’s dome. Or largely unnoticed. Sheralin watched wide-eyed as the scrape tumbled down the building until she lost it amid the bustling crowd.
Seen and Unseen
Red sat on the edge of the rickety, upper bridge watching the traffic on the lower bridge. Below she’d seem just another urchin child whiling away an unpromising a day.
“Eyes up, Callum.” The back of Veric’s hand rapped his head lightly as the man paced to the front of the room.
Shadow Hunter
Few children were allowed to roam. Fewer still choose to. Not when the shadows hunted by day. And by night. Dane roamed no matter what any said, and because he did Arlea followed.
Little Mother
“Mother hates her.” Kiriel scrapped his tail over the stone floor as he arced around the small white dragon curled in the room’s single lighted patch. Her twitching tail tip was the only sign she’d heard him.
“I plotted everything to the minutest details. I knew every player involved. Their reactions. Their thought processes. Their abilities. Everything.”
And Beyond
Essie stood at the graveside as people drifted past her knowing very few grieved. No, most had come to gawk one last time at the village’s notorious ne’er-do-well.
After and Before
Wednesday has come around again and I’m happy to present this week’s flash fiction. Prince Jacob stood in the gallery ignoring the slow creep of the sunlight’s angel through the window as he stared at the painting. For the past hours he’d tried to tease out her expression. “Jacob,” the ever-nervous voice of Nathan, his…
Uplifted Alone
Panting, Silfie skidded to a halt at the clearing’s edge. Eldress Arior still stood at the center of the clearing, next to the numina fountain. Only two others remained in line, and Enrem stood beside the Eldress.
Company in Silence
Everything fell away. Atmosphere and with it the noise, the crowds. The staggering bustle of a trillion lives winding through and about each other. Here the quiet rattle of lose deck plates and the engine’s hum embraced her.