Fyretober 2021

Living Doll

The single obnoxiously short lock of hair vied for Corna’s attention, as she twisted her wrists in the shackle pinning her to the wall. That irritated her almost as much as the wizard Elres working on something at the table in the center of the room. He stood with is back to her, that and the sheet draping over his foul deed preventing her from seeing why he’d disfigured her so.
Fyretober 2021

Fyre Elemental

They stood behind him. Ancis knew they were there, as they had been there when he needed them the most. Drancent the wise. Eansin the strong. Wulfa the huntress. Gryany and her spells. Even little Rida was there though she’d only showed up for the last leg of his journey. He could not have made it this far without all of them.
Fyretober 2021

A Grim Reaper’s Revenge

Welcome to day 24 of Fyretober! I hope you’re all enjoying a month of flash fiction as much as I am. Enjoy today’s writing challenge from Fyrecon’s Fyretober! Her black cloak couldn’t keep the chill out. During more hours than Liliana should’ve spent in the rain, water had worked through the little protection the thing…
Fyretober 2021

Happy Ever After Tragedy

Her hands twisted about each other and the chain she clasped frantically in her hands. Sitting back, I plopped on hand on the armrest of my chair and considered her. The veil hung low, barely showing the trembling lower lip. The dark material revealed little to mortal eyes hiding her identity from those watching my shops entrance. Unfortunately for her, I wasn’t mortal. Miss Driffin’s identity was no secret from me.
Fyretober 2021

Broken Wings

The shops bells chimed a hollow jangle behind Arold. The soft sound near deafening next to the scratch of Arold’s knife over wood. Setting the knife on the table, he rose from his stool brushing shavings from his apron as he turned. The words of welcome vanished when he saw the waif that stood timidly inside the door.
Fyretober 2021


Not since the great hero epidemic of the previous age had Insey been considered the jewel of the continent. Well worth beholding and marveling at its resplendence. Now, however, the city crept through the current age mostly as a bygone word, a place to be avoided, or if absolutely all else proved impossible, one spent the absolute minimum of time there. All else had failed for Khestri.