Terry blinked as the screen came back into focus, the clacking of keys rang around him, furious in pace as his lives depended on getting a few more words out. Which considering placement depended on the scores…He glanced at the timer jerking backward at the swiftly diminishing numbers.
Crouching low, Cheskel glowering at the offensive portrayal. His beloved Arlene framed along with him. He’d seen the lie of that frozen bliss the moment she’d opened the package. Why hadn’t she? Why had Arlene gifted a position of honor?
Raizel’s satchel hit the ground with a sodden thump. Milo shifted, raising his head from the map they inspected. Those rest ignored her interruption. She was nothing to them. Milo, however, rocked backward hand clutching his knife.
The house sung to Hazel. She paused at the shutters, pressing her hand to the wood. The air hastened past into the night. She glanced at the latch.
Marc shrugged his shoulders and felt a bit of the chill leave his back. For all the good that would do. The snow kept falling to replace what he dislodged. The mountains were far away and there was no village, not even a hut or crossroads. He’d believe he was alone with the hissing white storm, except for the infernal crunching trailing him.
“Yes.” Perdyn said. Her voice softening as she grabbed Sorrel’s arm shoving him away from Calder. Wise choice.
Rylee’s muscles jerked involuntarily, shoving her into a sitting position as her heart thudded. Grabbing fistfuls of her blanket, she stared blindly straining for sounds in the darkness. Nothing.
Pixies and Bones
The metal was cool as I grasped the handle. Odd since until a few moments ago it had been bathed in pixie flames. “Of course. Those were illusions. I could have walked past any time,” I grumbled.
“Mmm, I wouldn't go that far,” A voice said beside me ear. Twisting my head, I looked cross-eyed at the creature plopping down on my shoulder. I opened my mouth but she cut me off. “You convinced me of the im-por-tance of your errand.” She stressed each syllable flippantly.
My Son
I stood with an arm around my wife's shoulders as we waited at the city gates. The guard inspecting us stared between me and my wife. “He's not your son.”
Not again. “He is my son.” I stared at the guard not turning toward Tom behind. Perhaps if I willed hard enough this one would get a clue and not make a fuss. Tragically, he wasn't the brightest.
“Then it is done.” I leaned forward grasping a rope for balance as the words fell across the room. Heavy and light smothering noise. No more would the Virand impose their will. Our land would be ours again. Giles Bardolf would lead us.