Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write, as part of a group, a flash fiction based on the same short prompt and post the story. I hope you enjoy this week’s contribution. Muck squelched as Ailina trudged through the swamp. If this was the blasted thing was hid, no wonder the amulet was lost.…
Holding the curtain, I glanced below. A man stood at the door, half obscured from my vantage point.
I watched as he sat trembling on bed. 5am already and still he fought sleep. He dreamt every night screaming. He begged every day.
I shielded my eyes against the constant assault of dust and dirt. Still the winds built as Neilina pull successive items from her bag. The calm point in the chaos. I hunched as close to her as I dared, enjoying the periphery of her protection.
The vehicle speed through the portal dumping on out a road in the middle of nowhere and night. Winds buffeted me as if a hurricane or tornado raged though the sky was clear. Clear except for the aberration.
As the door banged open reverberating, I leaned back adjusting my grip on the chain. “You have his eyes.” The woman said the words coyly from the doorway.
Keti dashed around the corner and skidded to a halt before a blank wall. “Cade!” Her scream was pointless. The door was gone without a remaining glimmer.
Foire shoved Gaodan backwards, until his body hit the bridge’s railing. Redava crept closer, an unseen shadow for a moonless night. A good night for chances. Change was coming.
Water dripped in a staccato rhythm. That’s the next project Redava decided. She looked up to faces watching, waiting for wisdom. Too bad wisdom hid from her.
Mirror Twins
Gaodan grabbed the boy’s chin. The eyes remained vacant unseeing. Unseeing here at least.