A different approach was needed, one with childlike simplicity

Childlike Simplicity

Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. He regarded Ian standing stiffly, uncertainly across from him. Fine, a different approach was needed, one with childlike simplicity. “We can recover,” he said, “In fact, the instrument to push…
He'd had a bad day

Bad Day

Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. Arm tucked behind his back, her chamberlain escorted Celia’s guest in. Sludge dripped, no, sloughed off Kimball with each step. His equipment was ruined. The clothing was tatters held together…
He told me you were in the past

Rotting Away

Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. Audris balanced with her hand against the rough floor. The mill’s clacking was anvils in her head. Pain she ignored to studying her abductor. His breath gurgled as he lurching…
She moved to stop him in his tracks

In the Dust

Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. The ground heaved beneath her. Slamming her arm across her mouth, Sophia breathed through her shirt as dust chocked the air. She squinted through the grit. Even with this, how…
She could smell gas even before she opened the door

Bubbling Away

Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. Twisting the knob, Levana shook her head. She could smell gas even before she opened the door. Of course, Deward was crouching over his pots peering into the contents. “What’s…
I'll find her and bring her home, I promise


Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. I slogged forward as rain wormed through my clothing. The citadel’s light, though close, was shrouded. The storm wouldn’t even give up that. Only my words to chase me as…