Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. I’m sorry if it upsets you, but I’m marrying her– The parchment fell from my numb fingers. The fool. How could he do this? Did family mean nothing to disappear…
Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. Burke would have to speak with her tutors. The girl’s innuendo was hopelessly off mark. Tragically, her father would soon have his fortunes change. No more tutors. The letter made…
Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. The heirs sat, waiting for the announcement. Garnette glanced at Garnock. He shook his head imperceptibly. leaving enough time for her to look forward before their father entered, their newest…
Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. My jingle bells jangled with my irritation, neither improving my mood or waking the snoring man. I’d ribbon whoever’d come up with the shoes’ design. Unless I ended up hunting…
Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. My husband paused washing the dishes, his gaze drawn out the window. “Sweetheart, what did you bury in the garden?” “Trying to trick me into helping? I won the bet…
Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. Horses’ hooves striking cobbles broke through my haze. I turned searching for the source. They were here; the fire engine arrived too late. “Lady,” the captain said scrambling down. His…
Spirit Guardian
Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. The roses were a splash of oranges and yellows against grey stone. Her tear was almost lost in the rain. Almost. Turning, I sighed. Orl waited. “They’d bring you back,”…
The Will
Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. I stepped through the mahogany doors. Posh. The inspector straightened beside a desk revealing the man slumped over it. Posh and gory. “The victim had tried to write something as…
Pleasure and Rot
Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. Ryder welcomed the shadow at plays end. He had enjoyed ten years of being totally irresponsible. Ten years and the price was due and the decayed waited. “Stick together,” he…
Quill of Pol’or
Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution. “You’re late,” I said glowering as the man approached. I hated waiting. Especially on long nights. He dismounted from his horse a swirl of cloak and eyes. “You secured the…