Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from Fyrecon's Fyretober Writing Prompt 2023-10-08

Day 8: The Monster Is

I ignored everyone’s warnings the morning I marched into the Silver Vale woods. “Don’t go into the woods,” they said. “Don’t risk angering the monster. He’ll get you.” That warning was as oft repeated as any advice I’d been given, and seemed as ridiculous as being told my face would freeze if I dared a silly expression.
Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from Fyrecon's Fyretober Writing Prompt 2023-10-05

Day 5: A Door in the Wall

Jimalee paced back and forth before the wall with her hands tucked behind her back, tracking one spot as she moved. A very curious spot with a door she’d never seen before. True, the emperor’s gardeners worked voraciously to clean the grounds after the court’s exile in Ternel. True, the wall had been covered in thick vines only the day before. But Jimalee had an affinity for doorways, and, even with the vines, she should have spotted the curious blue-green portal filled with sparkles and set within the solid stone.
Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from Fyrecon's Fyretober Writing Prompt 2023-10-03

Day 3: No Exit

Dameron cursed himself for a fool for ever wanting to be a World Master. Once he had thought joining the erudite ranks would be an honor. A privilege. Few were blessed with magic and wit enough to master such lore. He, like his fellow students, had spent countless nights working to become a World Master. And he alone from his class had been chosen. A rarity in any class for any to achieve. And Dameron had been selected to progress along the path.