Happy Thanksgiving


The rock was cold beneath Summer as she waited. The sun strove to warm her skin even as the spray from waves beating the stone tried to cool her. Summer knew the waves would win. The sun was dipping behind the low clouds even as the tide rose. Well the spray would win unless they arrived first.
Happy Pioneer Day


Elrin shifted his footing again as the sands shifted. Even the bulk of their ship offered no protection from the wind and only marginal from the heat. He squinted into the distance, but golden dunes were all he could see. No plants. No life. No shelter. And certainly no rescue ships would find them here. He raised his arm and whipped the sweat from his eyes.
Happy Independence Day

The Price

Happy Independence Day! However, you celebrate today I hope you make it a great one. This 4th of July I am celebrating with an extra, longer flash fiction for the week. Sometimes freedom has to be worked for and there’s always a cost. Kira stumbled. Her knees sunk into the snow as the cold bite…
Happy 4th of July


The sun disappeared below the ground and the sky erupted with light. I and down the street I saw people turn to look up, pointing and smiling. If the Engineer Corps had any say, and we did, tonight’s display would be amazing. I refused to look up though. I should have been with them. Not stuck down here.
Merry Christmas


I held the gift at eye level. The orb swung gently from the constant rumble of the ship’s drive. A single snowflake glimmered at the center, its crystalline edges and lacework perfect. The structure refracting the circuitry sparking along and obscuring the back of the orb. The orb was cold to the touch. Snow, actual snow. I hadn’t thought to see it.