Alessia stopped at the door, a shutter gripped in either hand, mouth dropping open. Timothy glanced up from the bench he was slouched on as she entered. The was a scratch under his left eye, which was decidedly on the colorful side of normal. Had he been brawling?
Harder Still
Timothy slouched, his elbows pressing into his legs were the only things keeping him falling off the bench. He’d never been so exhausted.
Trading Places
“Oh no.” Ollie crossed her arms and glowered at Timothy Morrow. “I ain’t taking the blame for this one.”
Names and Strangers
Josephine Maria Ziegler sniffed and turned her head to stare pointedly out the window. Ollie rolled her eyes at Josephine. So much for their first class arrangements. Their private train car had become semi-private. Ollie watched the man and was far less put out than her travel companion.
This is Ollie’s third outing my flash fiction. Let me know if you’d like to see more of her in the comments below. The door creaked and dust puffed up from the floor. I twitched my nose looking into the room. Shelf, after shelf, after shelf. Each filled with more books than I’d wanted to…
Alessia paused just inside the tavern. Heads swiveled her followed by a narrowing of eyes and hands reaching for guns. Heh. That was one part of coming here she’d forgotten, everything being infamous meant.
Her Own Way
“Get back,” I watched Josephine Maria Ziegler shriek clutching her skirts tightly. Was almost as if she thought holding them would keep the throng back. Fool.