Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from Fyrecon's Fyretober Writing Prompt 2023-10-16

Day 16: Dragon Sight

“They’re coming around again!” Marey tried, mostly successfully, to push down the apprehension from the statement. Feet drummed over the ship’s metal decks the crew scurried about trying to spot which direction the Air Guard approached from this time. Marey didn’t see anything. Not yet, but, if the scope had spotted it, they were out there somewhere, and she’d see them quick enough. She’d other fools to deal with first. She ducked lower and scurried toward the fore. Her mother’s words chased behind her.
Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from Fyrecon's Fyretober Writing Prompt 2023-10-15

Day 15: Lorekeeper’s Mask

The council chambers were the normal chaos of noise which always accompanied the middle of a meeting. Too many provinces were represented in the room. Too many differing cultures differing with traditions. Theyal didn’t see how anyone could expect meetings to proceed otherwise. Still, this part of the meeting did not disturb him as much as what he knew would follow.
Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from Fyrecon's Fyretober Writing Prompt 2023-10-14

Day 14: Possessed Guild House

“Welcome to the Fighters Guild,” I said and clapping my hands I rubbed them with delight. The abrupt sound along with my booming voice quieted the general conversation in the room. I cast an appraising gaze over the group. Fourteen new recruits to guild this season. The best class we’d had in ages. Paying the bards in the hinter lands had paid off.
Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from Fyrecon's Fyretober Writing Prompt 2023-10-10

Day 10: Skeleton’s Battle Cry

Commander Nearborne raced onto the bridge of the Devastator ducking between wires dangling from panels ripped from the walls. Not since Trafalgar Squad had split directions had he seen another soul on the ship. The battle roared about the ship, but it lay emptied and abandoned with only a trace of atmosphere remaining. Still, the thing was their best chance and he’d already wasted… Nearborne glanced at his watch. Two minutes.
Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from Fyrecon's Fyretober Writing Prompt 2023-10-08

Day 8: The Monster Is

I ignored everyone’s warnings the morning I marched into the Silver Vale woods. “Don’t go into the woods,” they said. “Don’t risk angering the monster. He’ll get you.” That warning was as oft repeated as any advice I’d been given, and seemed as ridiculous as being told my face would freeze if I dared a silly expression.