Bill swept the push broom ahead with a small puff rising into the air with each sweep. An overly energetic push sent dust high enough to enter his nostrils and cause him to sneeze. A movement which sent pain vibrating through his shoulders. Gritting his teeth, he turned his head to the side as he tried to swallow in the exclamation. A habit formed from years containing himself around families.
Day 6: Mirror
Merrill had been selected by the king to become his bride. A king Merrill had yet to meet in person. She hadn’t the faintest idea why he’d selected her. She had been in Taradale province leagues and leagues from the capital. Why had he chosen her? Ther question plagued her day and night.
Day 5: A Door in the Wall
Jimalee paced back and forth before the wall with her hands tucked behind her back, tracking one spot as she moved. A very curious spot with a door she’d never seen before. True, the emperor’s gardeners worked voraciously to clean the grounds after the court’s exile in Ternel. True, the wall had been covered in thick vines only the day before. But Jimalee had an affinity for doorways, and, even with the vines, she should have spotted the curious blue-green portal filled with sparkles and set within the solid stone.
Day 4: Walk in the Cemetery
Teantry heard the light pattering steps over stone beside her and paused. Glancing right, the tall headstone gleamed nearly as bright as the silver-gray cat perched on it. He had come again. He came every year as drawn to the place as herself. She raised an eyebrow at the cat. “Did you want something?”
Unlucky Thought
Detective Sloane drew back from the image before her, turning away. The vision of the beach slid through the oily black and remained in front of her. “Release me this instant.” She squeezed her eyes closed. “Detaining an officer is an act of…” Sloane swallowed.
Day 3: No Exit
Dameron cursed himself for a fool for ever wanting to be a World Master. Once he had thought joining the erudite ranks would be an honor. A privilege. Few were blessed with magic and wit enough to master such lore. He, like his fellow students, had spent countless nights working to become a World Master. And he alone from his class had been chosen. A rarity in any class for any to achieve. And Dameron had been selected to progress along the path.
Day 2: It’s Alive
Aliza looked up from beneath the edge of her quilt to the jar glowing faintly blue in the darkness of her bedroom. A jar her mother had left there before departing for the evening with father. A light left to guard her through the long hours. A light too dim to see her room by.
Day 1: New Friends
Franlin sighed relieved when the pod’s door swept open. Tarin rushed red and wheezing from having run. She glanced at the clock. “You shouldn’t have taken the time to shut the experiments down. You cut that too close.”
Glamourous Outlaws
“And this is the bunkroom,” Alessia clapped her hand on the rough wood bunkbed post turning to face Maria Josephine Ziegler. How she’d let Ollie talk her into touring Josephine about while she spoke with the Professor only the desert sun knew.
Lucky Day
Detective Sloane flinched, stepping backward even as the darkness engulfed her. Her mind screamed that the bio helm wouldn’t hold against this thing, this living darkness. Gasping ina breath, Sloane held it and closed her eyes.