Detective Sloane flinched, stepping backward even as the darkness engulfed her. Her mind screamed that the bio helm wouldn’t hold against this thing, this living darkness. Gasping ina breath, Sloane held it and closed her eyes.
Unlucky Touch
“Is that a challenge?”
Detective Sloan slapped her hands over ears ringing with the discordant buzz of the creature’s voice and from how hard she’d hit herself. Curling over, she winced.
Lucky One
Five towns. So far, the outbreak had crept up in five towns. Detective Sloane stared at the halo map, still not seeing any pattern. In each location where the outbreak had cropped up, responders had only found unconscious citizens.
Lunch Break
Engines rumbled as if the machines had grown impatient under the ledge where he sat, but still Hawne would not be moved. He happily munched his sandwich and ignored the chiming comm unit.
Gathar stumbled to a stop within the doors of the citadel’s central chamber. He blinked at Lysabel sitting on a bench in the center of the room, a scarf wrapped about her face.
Lingering Scents
Sahri stopped on the palace steps and scowled up at the walls which soft sand in dawn’s light. She’d spent a blissful month absent and didn’t relish the desperate summons which had drawn her back.
A Wager’s Consequences
Ropes burned across my arms as I twisted on the table. The twice blasted sorceress stood beside her bowl. The water reflected light onto her face.
Identity Unbound
“I always had the worst luck. Tragically, it followed me even after I left this world.”
I am One
Hank dropped his bag loudly as he entered the data center on Inradus VI. He blinked at the central processor. Marv, their chief data analyst stood encased in the center’s glow, eyes closed, and face lifted toward the light.
From Within
As a child he’d been told to be wary of the rails. Altes had heard their words. He even tried to listen. Yet he always returned, fingers curling about cold metal as he peered into the clouds below.