Everything had gone sideways. The fleet lay at the bottom of the harbor. Their retreat over the mountain passes had been sealed by the Ethrael. His men had been picked off by the Queen’s Bulwarks. Only Mirothan remained.
Found with the Universe
Avery slid into the chair, sighing as the planetarium theater’s lights lowered. After the last day solace was all she wanted. The gangly teen’s voice squeaked over the speakers, but even the occasional speaker squall couldn’t wreck her mood.
Enchantment’s Protection
Boots sounded over stone, sliding and echoing down the narrow canyon. “Are we quite there yet?” The voice, wobbly in its higher pitch, echoed.
After the War
To most Cadilican was insignificant. A speak tucked within the continent’s interior. Bordered by rivers, mountains, and the great nations: Kiremond and Dendarwen. To me Cadilican was everything.
Innocently Asked
The road wound into an unforgiving, dark night. The lantern swinging from a pole on Gwath’s pack illuminated a few scant lengths of dirt. Most didn’t even have that much.
A Sliver of Time
Erieri stood and watched the old man flattening the grass of the Plains of Time as his robe and cloak billowed behind him. “Excuse me. What are you doing?” Erieri bypassed asking how he’d gotten there or even who he was… they’d get around to that as time circled to it.
Derision’s Revenge
“Can you believe it?” The level of disdain caught Jerel’s notice as he meandered through nobles loitering before the palace gates in a parade of finery and frivolity.
Wedding Marched
A lady was getting married. The fact, in itself, was nothing astonishing. Ladies and Lords married every day. Even Ladies and Lords of the upper houses. Perhaps even especially among those circles where fuss was made.
Home at Last
Finally. Finally, they’d nearly reached the caves the professor had dug them into. A few more strides and she, Timothy, and Alessia would be home. She’d take a good long soak and the professor could deal with Josephine Maria Ziegler for a bit.
A Free Meal’s Price
Jasmine stood with her hand stretched out to catch raindrops. The endless city’s lights glared, blinding beneath the sheer number of them. She’d missed true dark since arriving on this forsaken planet.