Everything fell away. Atmosphere and with it the noise, the crowds. The staggering bustle of a trillion lives winding through and about each other. Here the quiet rattle of lose deck plates and the engine’s hum embraced her.
After the Frenzy
Olswon perched on his stool with the magistrate prattling behind him. “And we simply must know what cause the automic to… to… misbehave.” Olswon could hear the man wringing his hands. Understandable since the machine had trampled smack through the center of his swearing in.
Jester’s Crown
“In this age of laughter, a jester is king.” Rakelkie lounged on the throne as he spoke, twirling a crown about two of his fingers.
Springtide Lost
Zave rubbed his temples viewing the disarray belongings left in the wake of his frenzied search. Frenzied and unfruitful. He hadn’t found his garb and the festival began soon.
After a lifetime spent watching, dodging, or joining in Marieri’s adventures, I knew better equipped than most how to handle her spirits. Still, on that rainy night, the evil glint in her eye was disconcerting.
Speed’s Delay
“We’re out of time.” Ollie glanced to Timothy standing at the strider’s controls. More exacting, holding the engine back to creep the Strider along. Not that where were much ground left before town.
Battling Magic Wills
The old crone Eanswid scowled as she surveyed the wreck I’d left of her kitchen as bisque dripped from my hair. I couldn’t explain the soup exploding and clutched the wooden spoon as if it were a shield defending me against her displeasure. Or most likely, some new hex she’d cast to vex my existence further.
Guide and Betrayer
The door abruptly swung open, crashing into the wall once. Myral glanced up. Fathen held the door in place with one hand. The other he’d pressed over his heart as he stared at her with wide-eyed shock.
Stubborn Terms
Divari hated being ordered about and had as long as she could recall. even insisted this went back further still. And since her mother was the source, she supposed it was a reliable tale.
Luck’s Whim
Arles aspired to die in Maldune one day. Admittedly he hoped that day to be very, very distant with much to achieve before that even became a possibility. First, join the Heroes Guild. Second, become a legend. Joining had proven challenging enough, but he’d made it within Maldune’s walls. Surely the retired heroes here could teach him.