Water dripped in a contrary rhythm as Fastolph knelt at the Word Shield. His lantern’s flame echoed loudly in the silent chamber and did little against the cavern’s absolute darkness. Not that Fastolph noticed. Master Ephers words blazed in his mind.
Ship’s Hand
Even neural mirrors didn’t make the action less disturbing as I pulled my hands apart. First the soft outer layers, a kind of latex meant to simulate skin. Compelling enough for casual contact. Not that I ever had anything else.
Still Learning
Azadtril slapped her hand over her nose as she emerged into the dome’s center. A putrid stench assaulted as did the patchwork sky, lolling boulders, and drifting water enchanted within. She supposed the pink clouds lacking any sunset hue could have been considered picturesque, the illusion vanished then moment they touched the oak.
Depths Waiting
Wednesday has come around again and I’m happy to present this week’s flash fiction. The wood creaked beneath Evet’s feet as she inched toward the group illuminated beneath the docks end’s swinging lantern. The waves rolled beneath, urging her forward then back. Back to safety, if it existed. Hearth thumping, she reached them too quickly.…
“Count me out.” The whinny nasal words were unexpected. As were the words themselves. Carter blinked turned away from the monitor. Even with a roomful of people wearing matching uniforms who’d spoken he could easily determine.
Altered in the Depths
Falling. Lyse and Ellys tumbled banging against each other and well’s stone wall. The fire’s heat chased them, pricking her skin furious at its conduit’s theft. And unable to prevent it.
Hearts Altered
Lyse glanced right. Through the flames she saw homes burst into brilliant flames tearing them to the ground. “Glorious isn’t my word for it.”
Altered by Fire
Lyse stood on the edge of the cliff with Andes beside her. Her face twitched trying to restrain her horror. Before them the valley burned in boiling fire which burbled in oranges, yellows, and blues. Lyse saw it and couldn’t believe it.
Reality Altered
Lyse stood on the edge of the cliff with Andes beside her. Her face twitched trying to restrain her horror. Before them the valley burned in boiling fire which burbled in oranges, yellows, and blues. Lyse saw it and couldn’t believe it.
In Her Pocket
The chime rang and Avital looked toward the front of the house unseen from the scant hallway visible. She closed her fingers around the slim stone she’d held to the light.