The dusky blue tones of the sky told Cere Aebeorth time was running out. Leaning forward she rubbed Scratch’s neck as her leather armor creaked. The horse raised his head slightly flicked an ear back as if asking if they could stop, before lowering and swinging to the side as if searching for weeds growing among the rocks. They’d left the tree line behind an hour ago.
Fresh Produce
The pile of red stones teetered as I crouched near the gates. Looking for a stable stack was pointless. There wasn’t one in the place. That wouldn’t been simple and only one thing was simple here, pain was everywhere.
Assistance Required
Vernon drew a deep breath the air passing through his lungs in a frigid breeze. The squabbling gaggle of preteens didn’t pause their argument long enough to rub at the goosebumps he’d managed to induce. Instead they stood huddled about the device which through off a blue glow completely obliterating his ghostly one.
Not How It Works
“We need more explosives!” Gage rubbed his hands together, and I could only describe his expression as gleeful.
Death’s Embers
The floor groaned as Enryn’s thudded one end of the wooden lid on the ground. She rested the other against the oblong box overhanging both ends of the table. Looking down, Enryn brushed her hands against each other.
Hidden in Snow
Metal wailed grating over stone. Shifra clamped her fingers into stone as her foot slipped. Her knee groaned as she straightened on the narrow ledge. Ahead the path twisted along the mountain. Thin, but passable. She’d let excited override her protective programming.
Fire Flight
Red light reflected in the tall grass whipping her arms as she ran. Heat seared her lungs as smoke scraped her throat. About her rose staccato of panic feet accompanied by carts rumbling along the distant path. A river of bodies brought equal in fleeing death.
Time’s Choice
The 6th anniversary of my flash fiction blog is here! 6 years ago today I wrote my first flash fiction and created my blog. Last year I started celebrating the anniversary with a story of time. This year I decided that celebrating time passing with another chapter to the time story from last year was…
Interference’s Reward
Alessia stopped at the door, a shutter gripped in either hand, mouth dropping open. Timothy glanced up from the bench he was slouched on as she entered. The was a scratch under his left eye, which was decidedly on the colorful side of normal. Had he been brawling?
Changing Views
Melech tapped his fingers against his other hand’s palm, his pacing accompanied by the rhythmic whirring of the machinery around him. But never the chirp he wanted. Needed. He glared at the comms unit. There should have been something by now.