Next time I order a retreat and regroup, I need to remind engineering that this includes silencing all incoming communications. Except of course communications from the mother planet. But the communications that actually got to command… I didn’t need the constant beeps interrupting the deep focus needed for me to martial resources to combat the…
Death Plague: Day 1
The Death Plague has struck. There had been warning signs, but we’d ignored them. I’d ignored them. Honestly, I hadn’t had time to pay attention and failed at leading my colony. I should have paid attention when our sister colony was struck first. Rising Light had sent out distress signals. I’d ordered supplies sent, rendered…
WIthin the Music
Don’t be afraid. Come with me.
Janis bolted up, clutching the thin blanket. Gulping air, she forced the tune from her mind. A tune baring words only she’d heard within the music. Others shifted in the dark dorm adding creaking springs to the chorus of snores. Beyond was the constant hiss of steam moving through the machinery.
Sparkles on the Waves
Stars, like me, fish the seas. We cast our lines to plink against the waves, one glimmer of light to another. I know you think that’s sun or starlight sparkling across the ocean top, but its not. What’s really shinning is a wish. A hope. A dream.
Fight or Flight
Fight or flight. Which option would you go for with extra skills? I shifted, testing the gravel’s solidity. Disrupted by the rains, but still stable enough for running. No one had spoken since the accusation cut through the crowded square. Instead eyes narrowed, mothers clutched children, and men gripped their weapons. I was instantly aware…
The rock was cold beneath Summer as she waited. The sun strove to warm her skin even as the spray from waves beating the stone tried to cool her. Summer knew the waves would win. The sun was dipping behind the low clouds even as the tide rose. Well the spray would win unless they arrived first.
Not Till Dawn
There was nothing quite like hard molded plastic chairs to make sitting uncomfortable. Especially when the model was designed for pain. Still, Maxim supposed they were better than the droning of the devil.
Trading Places
“Oh no.” Ollie crossed her arms and glowered at Timothy Morrow. “I ain’t taking the blame for this one.”
A Choice of Kin
Steps echoing, Constance paced the corridor with hands behind her back. She shifted her grip with each step against the folds of her full skirt. The bridge guard’s pressed the button as she approached, allowing her entry.
Dancing on the Edge
Mavean danced on the edge of the abyss. Her skirts caught in breezes wafting from the mists below, but her feet returned unfaltering to the ground. She longed to fall, but they were not done with her yet.