Happy Independence Day

The Price

Happy Independence Day! However, you celebrate today I hope you make it a great one. This 4th of July I am celebrating with an extra, longer flash fiction for the week. Sometimes freedom has to be worked for and there’s always a cost. Kira stumbled. Her knees sunk into the snow as the cold bite…
I've come for you


Grating woke me. Heart beating, I sat, held by trembling arms. My head swiveled pinpointing the sound. Was there a hull breach? No, I was dark. Too far from any trade route, debris, hunk of space rocks or anything else. My post’s position had been chosen deliberately, and nine years proved its secrecy.
You must be mad coming here like this


Mist drifted through the air as Tilley was marched into the room. Turning her head, she coughed in the goon’s direction. Thomas Brijesh looked up from his workbench, his monocle enlarging his eye garishly. He blinked and tucked the instrument away pressed her into a seat opposite of Thomas. And kept pressing. “I’m down. I’m down,” Tilley said hunching over in the chair. However short they thought her was obviously overestimated.
Excess can be illustrated in many ways


This is Ollie’s third outing my flash fiction. Let me know if you’d like to see more of her in the comments below. The door creaked and dust puffed up from the floor. I twitched my nose looking into the room. Shelf, after shelf, after shelf. Each filled with more books than I’d wanted to…