She'd got him wrong, but that was her loss

Seen and Unheard

Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write, as part of a group, a flash fiction based on the same short prompt and post the story. Here’s my contribution. Rolum’s hand twitched above the controls as screen light exposed Min’s pointless hesitation. “Left path.” She didn’t need his mantra. He’s watched her accepted his hint.…
She dropped the shotgun on the bed


Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write, as part of a group, a flash fiction based on the same short prompt and post the story. Here’s my contribution. Kelsey didn’t feel the chill proceeding him. He was just there, silent, robes disturbed by an unknowable breeze. She dropped the shotgun on the bed, crossing…
The day my mother was kidnapped

Those Left

Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write, as part of a group, a flash fiction based on the same short prompt and post the story. Here’s my contribution. Wrenching my arm free, I turned from their imploring faces. “Back, Kinale.” I flung the epitaph at the gathered men. “She’s taken, only hours ago. She’s…
He was impervious to her abuse


Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write, as part of a group, a flash fiction based on the same short prompt and post the story. Here’s my contribution. Why must gnats wake him? He snorted as the pressure beat against his side. Useless of course. He pulled himself from the floor (cold now anyways)…
She’d made a poor job of hiding the damage

Dust for Ship

Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write, as part of a group, a flash fiction based on the same short prompt and post the story. Here’s my contribution. Heimert halted, grimacing, hands itching at the ship’s papered walls. Stars guide. Who knew what grim it held. Family ships. The ship’s co-owner, Esta, turned to…
I was sad to see that he still existed


Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write, as part of a group, a flash fiction based on the same short prompt and post the story. Here’s my contribution. My machine powered down until only the clocks ticking remained. I draped my gloves over the controls. I was back. It was done. “Ma’am!” Cisha said…