Detective Sloane peered at the chasm. When she’d signed on to the corps, she hadn’t expected maintaining order would include dealing with alien entities. First, the creature swallowing towns. Now, a species claiming their tech had magnified it.
Day 24: Sparkle Castle
“Es’loann,” Valeen breathed. Her eyes widened as she took in the spires rising into the sky in the center of the valley below. Myth had claimed that the city didn’t exist. The city of towers. Three to be exact Valeen saw. Three blue, cobalt towers sparkling in the sun. The castle of dreams.
Day 23: Phoenix Light Sail
Captain Robern crossed his arms and glowered at the pair of pixies hovering before him. One, Cayenne, had flames licking over his skin and he, like Robern, seemed very put out with the other. Her gossamer wings beat a staccato about with her blue hair circling about her as she spun in circles surrounded by ice crystals.
Day 22: Jack-O’-Lantern Avatars
Laughter broke through the night. Not the high pitch of cackling. No, the sound echoed madness unleashed. Clive stretched out his limbs. “This feels so good.” He groaned. Bits of dirt, grass, and dying leaves sprinkled from his still not completely solidified body to litter the ground about him.
Day 21: Ghost Blacksmith
“What kind of lame song is that?” a voice echoed behind me. I paused in the song and glanced over my shoulder. Dranon had been nothing but argumentative since we’d arrived at the ruins. Now he stood with arms tightly crossed and with his lip jutted out as if about to through a fit. Not something I could discount from experience.
Day 20: Screaming Trapdoor
Mark had not expected the chorus of “No” to greet him reaching for the trap door in the engineering room floor. Snatching his hand back, he straightened and stared at the five crew members arrayed about the room. Each had lunged toward him, and, seeing him pull back, paused glancing at each other. They shuffled back several steps in discomfort, as if surprised by their own reactions. All this over one trap door?
Day 19: Disguised Spellbook
Nayleen rammed her hands against the shelf to abruptly stop herself at the bookshelf. Running her hands over book spines, she pushed them this way and that trying to locate one impossible to find tome. “Where is it?” She bit her lip. The tome wasn’t in this case. Or worse, remained hidden from her. Shoving the thought away from her, Nayleen whipped about, turning toward another of the shelves she rushed to it. The shelf proved equally disappointing.
Day 18: Trick-or-Treating Shapeshifters
Moments after the off-key melody stopped echoing within the house, the door creaked slowly open. The sound reminded Jameson of a crypt opening. Through a narrow slit a face peered out at him. A man, a widower Jameson knew, whose skin appeared a tepid green with thick folds of skin dangling. Looking up, Jameson didn’t smile nor did the man open the door further.
Unlucky Task
Detective Sloane questioned the prudency of following an unknown entity into an unknown environ, but the space he led her toward didn’t bare the same all-encompassing blackness the creature created.
Day 17: Alien Scryers
Ben drummed his finger over the old worn wood of the desk as he watched Darlene. She stood at a table in the center of the room dangling a crystal from a chain in her hand as she leaned over a map. “I don’t know which is more unbelievable. The fact that you’re actually scrying or the fact that what you’re scrying for aliens.” His voice came out in a low grumble, which tumbled the words together.