Ollie reckoned the toddler’s endless tantrum created a bit of havoc in the area already. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t bring more.
Ollie felt blind. Out of the loop, and she hated feeling blind.
Ollie couldn’t even rankle Josephine Maria Ziegler for cooping them up. Even if Ollie reckoned she’d deserved some rankling after vexing time getting her here.
Glamourous Outlaws
“And this is the bunkroom,” Alessia clapped her hand on the rough wood bunkbed post turning to face Maria Josephine Ziegler. How she’d let Ollie talk her into touring Josephine about while she spoke with the Professor only the desert sun knew.
Wedding Marched
A lady was getting married. The fact, in itself, was nothing astonishing. Ladies and Lords married every day. Even Ladies and Lords of the upper houses. Perhaps even especially among those circles where fuss was made.
Home at Last
Finally. Finally, they’d nearly reached the caves the professor had dug them into. A few more strides and she, Timothy, and Alessia would be home. She’d take a good long soak and the professor could deal with Josephine Maria Ziegler for a bit.
After the Frenzy
Olswon perched on his stool with the magistrate prattling behind him. “And we simply must know what cause the automic to… to… misbehave.” Olswon could hear the man wringing his hands. Understandable since the machine had trampled smack through the center of his swearing in.
Speed’s Delay
“We’re out of time.” Ollie glanced to Timothy standing at the strider’s controls. More exacting, holding the engine back to creep the Strider along. Not that where were much ground left before town.
Chaos’s Fear
“Keep up, would you?” Professor Aldald’s voice carried over the din of experiments in various stages of progress. Grancis glanced at one worktable bellowing copious amounts of dark, thick smoke from a mechanical. Or destruction, he amended to himself.
Over the Edge
The rope burned wrapped around my hands, and the roof’s steel edge dug painfully into my wrists. “Can we hurry this up!” I kicked out again trying to reach the wall, but it remained tantalizingly out of reach.
Preparation Confusion
Ollie leaned against the wall watching as Josephine Maria Ziegler tipped the contents on the floor. “Ya ain’t disproving my point.” So much for her hopes that the woman could manage the rest of the trip in peace. A cog rolled across the length of the strider and bounced off Ollie’s boot.