
As he fell, he waited for

What is WonHundred Word Wednesdays? It’s when a group of amazing authors and I write 100 word stories all based on the same short prompt and post them. All the variations are fun to read. Here is my entry for the week.

As he fell, he waited for his sense to catch up. Trusting a witch’s word was folly, but he’d been desperate and she’d offered hope. The task had been easy. Climb the stalk, grab her treasure, and slip out without notice.

Nothing was ever easy for Jack. The giant had caught him holding the harp. He’d run and fallen, tripping over a stray vine. At least the giant couldn’t pace with his plummet and the harp had stopped screaming.

“Tsk now, as if I’d abandon you? You got my treasure right?” The witch popped in, unconcerned by the approaching ground.

Now see the rest!

Alison Woods (Peering Into. . .): alisonmillerwoods.wordpress.com
Amryn Scott: wildscottkids.wordpress.com
Angela Schroeder: angelaschroederauthor.blogspot.com
Caleb Warnock: http://calebwarnock.blogspot.com
Canda Mortensen: candamortensen.blogspot.com
Ginny Romney: romneyrants.blogspot.com
Jaclyn Weist: jaclynweist.blogspot.com
Jenifer Lee: http://www.myfam-i-lee.blogspot.com/
Jessica Winn, The Distracted Writer: thedistractedwriter.com
K.R. Wilburn: krwilburnbooks.com/blog
Kaye P. Clark: kayepclarkwriter.blogspot.com
Kelly Martin, Author: www.kellymartinbooks.blogspot.com
Laura D. Bastian: www.lauradbastian.com
Leah Sanders, inklings: inklings-leahsanders.blogspot.com
Lindzee Armstrong/Lydia Winters: lindzeearmstrong.blogspot.com
Miranda D. Nelson: www.mirandadnelson.blogspot.com
R.K. Grow: www.rkgtheauthor.com
Starimprint http://starimprint.blogspot.com/
Stephanie Worlton’s Kreating Krazy blog: stephanieworlton.blogspot.com
Wendy Knight, Author: www.wendyknightauthor.blogspot.com

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