


Just hearing the word conjures possibilities. Evil mage or clever magicians. Kind enchantresses or beautiful sorceress. All wielding magic in faraway lands with knight, princesses, castles, and more. Or perhaps just around the corner. So many possibilities are captured within one word and this year the Writers of the Future Award ceremonies’ theme was Magic and Wizardry. One definition of magic I think is fitting for this year’s theme is the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

Influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

I can’t think of a more appropriate term for the night. These ceremonies celebrate talented artists and writers and their course of events will never be the same. But there’s plenty of magic at such an event to go around.

For the first time in the four years I have attended the Writers of the Future ceremony, there was a new location: The MacArthur in Los Angeles. There was something grand about seeing that building for the first time. With angels and warriors guarding the building, I imagined what wonders were held within. The answer was fast in coming. Wizards.

Okay, not the kind that cast magic with lots of sparks or flames. They were kind who transport you to another world, place, or time through use of their words or brush. The authors and the artists were right inside the door. Those there for the first time were nearly floating from their excitement. The old friends were a bit more grounded in their excitement, but still just as joyful.

There was also an (at least) three story grand staircase leading up to where the event would take place. I wished I’d had the floating spell the winners seemed to have with that. Still the climb in dress and heals was worth it to see the room. Take a moment to look at the picture to the right.

All done? Go back and look again.

Dragon’s guard the stage filled with fiery cauldrons, statues, and the Writers and Illustrators of the Future logo. If you missed those you missed the best magic symbols of all. Because tonight what those symbols represent was going to change lives, including for Darci Stone.

Darci Stone Grand Prize SpeechDarci Stone won both 1st place for her quarter and the grand prize. I might be signaling her out because I am always thrilled when someone I know wins. And she climbed the stairs so gracefully… twice.

Beyond that, the night was filled with music and clever magicians. The magicians were present right from the start with a magical duel on the stage. They continued into the keynote speech, and an interactive magical show. That was another first this year. With the new location came a new seating arrangement and an easy way to engage with the audience.

The evening was amazing with so much to take in. Including when a few judges (I won’t name names (watch the video!)) who paused to deliver extra words, to getting to meet new friends, see new places, and catch up with those I’ve known for year. There was magic there that night. A spell was cast on me to keep trying, keep reaching. Eventually, I will be the one casting the spell and getting to peak behind the curtain to see more than a glimpse.

Dragon Guardian

What to see all the magical moment yourself? Check out the entire event here.

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