What is WonHundred Word Wednesdays? It’s when a group of amazing authors and I write 100 word stories all based on the same short prompt and post them. All the variations are fun to read. In honor of the sumemr heat, I’ll be adding dragon references into my entries. Dragons make everything better. Here’s this week’s entry.
She had to find the necklace, before… That didn’t bear thinking about. Tearing the chamber apart, she hunted ignoring the terror clawing within and the light dimming fast. It was here, somewhere.
The sound killed her search. Grandfather was right. She’d never heard its twin. Almost like leather beating through air harder than mortal hands could. She grabbed instinctively for support as the ground trembled and the light was blocked.
Its gale shattered the windows. Fire seared the darkness and still her hand was empty. Its eye filled the window. Stepping back, she knew she couldn’t escape the dragon’s sight.
Now see the rest!
Alison Woods (Peering Into. . .): alisonmillerwoods.wordpress.com
Amryn Scott: wildscottkids.wordpress.com
Angela Schroeder: angelaschroederauthor.blogspot.com
Canda Mortensen: candamortensen.blogspot.com
Ginny Romney: romneyrants.blogspot.com
Jaclyn Weist: jaclynweist.blogspot.com
Jessica Winn, The Distracted Writer: thedistractedwriter.com
K.R. Wilburn: www.krwilburn.com/my-blog.html
Kat!e Larson: katesnovelidea.blogspot.com
Kelly Martin, Author: www.kellymartinbooks.blogspot.com
Laura D. Bastian: www.lauradbastian.com
Leah Sanders, inklings: inklings-leahsanders.blogspot.com
Lindzee Armstrong/Lydia Winters: lindzeearmstrong.blogspot.com
Miranda D. Nelson: www.mirandadnelson.blogspot.com
R.K. Grow: www.rkgtheauthor.com
Starimprint http://starimprint.blogspot.com/
Stephanie Worlton’s Kreating Krazy blog: stephanieworlton.blogspot.com
Wendy Knight, Author: www.wendyknightauthor.blogspot.com
Dragons make everything better
Except maybe when they might kill you… Great descriptions, you can really feel her anxiousness. Good job!
AHH! what a way to end!
Yay dragon!! err, I mean… go away scary dragon!
Loved it
Yikes! I hope she manages somehow!