
Poetry & Filk
April is National Poetry Month! I love poetry and want to celebrate the month so I’ll be posting a poem on my blog at least once a week this month and perhaps beyond. Take a moment to read this week’s entry, “Steps.”

Long have I trodden these plans of white
Each step breaking through the icy crust
Spreading the chill a little further
And deepening my armors rust

The goal is farther than I can see
And I’m yet alone. No friends. No steed
They’ve fallen beneath the summer’s snow
Victims of that witch’s wretched greed

The last standing. I can’t turn aside
To the dear glow from distant farmsteads
For refuge would only moments be
Before her magic all peace would shred

So, onward I plod, my eyes forward
To meet with a fate I can’t envision
My sorrowing soul my company
Regretting every bad decision

Rest well my friends. I’ll visit you soon
Where green pastures will replace this ice field
Holding to my prayer to finish this fight
That bright futures others may build.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s poem. If you’d like, feel free to leave a comment below. If you’re brave, I hope you’ll write your own poetry and share the link with me.

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